Tuesday, March 10, 2009

tOkKA Muggs WAVE 2.0 :: Gamera DON & MERDUDE :: Jaques the Sea Monster ?! & Don w/ Sai ?!

tOkKA Muggs WAVE 2.0 :: MERDUDE  E
tOkKA Muggs WAVE 2.0 :: Gamera - Don { Mutated Don - Stage 3 } E

☻ ☺

-->> .. not done, but damm close.



Greg said...

Damn, you can tell just how much fun and love you put into a lot of your crafts. Just amazing, man.

~ tOkKa said...

-->> ..o wow.

Thanks, Greg..


** !! me AM, tOkKa - - { the dead archival } // tOkKa's former blogg :: 2002-2008 ..** // ** ♥ ♥ !! terrible2z.com.. **