Saturday, March 21, 2009


☠ ☠

-->> ..fawggin' fried , tired , anxiety riddled, m' brain is griddled , boogers er bloody, i'm half awake and i take cat naps in my melon-berry oatmeal , my teeth is crooked , mah breath smellz funnie ..    n' m spikies is needin' of sharpenin' ..ever'boddy wants ta sue me fer pennies on the dollar of a 30 cents off coupon for Meow Mix.

Errr..  overwhelmed, overworked, underindulged , and suicidal as fork.

Everyboddy  hates me .. n' MAN   i HATE BEIN' A TURDLE..

....n' if ya think ya hate me now..

ya deffly ain' gonna like what i got in stores for the immanent futures ..

..  zzz zzz z- z- zzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuh ..


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** !! me AM, tOkKa - - { the dead archival } // tOkKa's former blogg :: 2002-2008 ..** // ** ♥ ♥ !! **