Monday, October 6, 2008

..insane in the 'Hain

Tobin's Spirit Guide - peek ::  Samhain by Trist Jones for Cereal Geek (( 2008 ))

-->> ' OH 8 winds down into the crapper, it's toll on me has just sent me thru' the typical suicidal cycles i so disdain but just deal with as i can.

I prolly really am an ' ART WHORE ' i find art & projects by those i admire pretty much a compulsive need anymore and just, it's kinda always has given me something to hang onto and even motivate.. drive me ( Phuck ..just look at all the art i cram on my Flickr Account ..eesh !! )

The youngling Trist Jones .. dwells someplace around the Magic Pudding in Queensland.

Renowned for his written comic work on TALES of The TMNT as of the past few years ..he's had to overcome his own share of unique adversities to get where he's been and to go where's he's aspiring to go.

It's also killer cuz he's of such a diverse and freeky set of interests that span the the darker and fun- ER sides of the Pop-culture wasteland. It's just so easy to like the plonker.

Does bother me tho' that his illustrative skills get swept aside sometimes ( or so it seems.. it could be just me ).

Luckily there's publications like** Cereal Geek that see that differently.

Asides .. he's one of the fave- artists i've been pretty manic about following as of the past several months ..and well one that helps 'feed the need' and prompts tOkK to carry on a bit and try to achieve something better than all this horsesh7t that this cycle of Chaotix continues to whirl me around like a record player (( yeh right round .. round round .. - - - )) .

" .. g'night, Sammie !! "


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